
Stewart's Portfolio:

The banner is from a painting I made called Ceol Mor. It is the name of the blue boat beached here in Plockton. NFS (Not For Sale)



Harris Sunset (Dec 2010)

This painting is from a photo that I took whilst wild-camping in our motorhome. We were parked in the carpark of the golf course in Harris.

It is a watercolour, 28 wide by 20 cms high: Framed

This painting is hanging in the Crofters Cafe



ceol mor (plockton)

Ceol Mor (Plockton) Jan 2011

I made a preliminary painting sketch of this subject which is for sale in the Crofters Cafe, Rosemarkie.

It is a watercolour, 28 wide by 19 cms high: Framed

(The original larger watercolour based on a photo I took has been sold.)



hms carrick (formerly the clipper: city of adelaide)

HMS Carrick (formerly the clipper: City of Adelaide) (Jan 2011)

One of my first paintings, I reduced the definition of the reflection so that the eye focuses on the clipper.

This watercolour is 28.5 long x 24.5 cms: unframed



caleag bhan

Caleag Bhan (Jan 2011)

This is an enhanced watercolour 29.5 long x 8.5 cms: unframed

This boat was once owned by my father, but alas it is now a wreck...



isle ornsay pier

Isle Ornsay Pier (Feb 2011)

This watercolour is 28 long x 17 cms: unframed

Camping on the pier on a frosty winter's night, meal and wine in the hotel - great!



turkey oak

Turkey Oak (Inverewe Gardens) (Mar 2011)

This watercolour is 26.5 long x 19 cms and oak framed



It Never Rains on a Golf Course... (Castle Stuart) (Aug 2011)

This watercolour is 31cms long x 15cm high: oak framed

This painting is hanging in the Crofters Cafe



Castle Stuart Clubhouse and 18th (Aug 2011)

This watercolour is 34 x 21 cms: unframed



Luke Donald winner of the 2011 Scottish Golf Open (Sep 2011)

This watercolour is based on a photo of Luke in the Press and Journal dated 10/06/2011. I've added in Castle Stuart to the background. It is 36 x 54 cms: unframed



Kessock Bridge from Castle Stuart (Nov 2011)

This is a watercolour and is 27 x 19 cms: framed: SOLD



fly fishing sketch

Fly Fishing Sketch (Nov 2011)

This waterclour sketch is 29 long x 25 cms: unframed



church windows

Church Windows (Dec 2011)

Watercolour 19 long x 25 cms: unframed



kessock bridge and nacreous clouds

Kessock Bridge and Nacreous Clouds  (Feb 2013): SOLD



west from eriskay slipway

West from Eriskay Slipeway (Mar 2013)

This is watercolour is long x cms: unframed



highland water

Highland Water (Apr 2013)

This watercolour is 37 long X 25 cms and unframed



Monet's Bridge (May 2013)

This watercolour is 30 x 21 cms and unframed



Where the Land Meets the Sea (June 2013)

Fair Isle South Lightouse in Summer. This watercolour is 30 x 40 cms: framed



Ailsa Golf Course (June 2013)

This watercolour was adapted from a golf suppliment of the Press and Journal dated 18/03/2013, before Trump bought the hotel and golf courses, and shows the Ailsa Golf Course at Turnberry, Arran & the Holy Isle.

It is 42 x 25 cms: unframed



Fair Isle South Lighthouse in Winter (Aug 2013)

This watercolour and gouache painting is from a photo taken by Thomas Hyndman from Orkney.

It is 42cms wide and 30cms high: framed



Blue Fairy Pool (Oct 2013)

This is a watercolour painting that I based on a photo that my son Alasdair took of a waterfall on the Allt Dearg Mor (NG461282), a stream that flows down from the Black Cuillin mountains to Sligachan on the Isle of Skye (and yes, the pool is that colour!)

It is 30 x 43 cms. NFS

Prints available from home



River Luss Reflections (Dec 2013)

This watercolour is from a photo my son took near Loch Lommond.

It has been commended by the SAA and is hanging in The Storehouse, Foulis Ferry, Evanton, IV16 9UX

Phone No: 01349 830038

It is 40 x 30cms and framed



My Lady with Altitude (Mar 2014)

This watercolour is from a photo I took whilst walking with my wife up the Tourist Route on Sgurr nan Gillean a mountain on the Black Cuillin ridge on the Isle of Skye. It measures 47cms wide and 34cms high. NFS



Grandchildren (April 2014)

This is my first attempt at a portrait and merges two photos...

It is 50cms wide by 34cms high. NFS



Linn o' Dee in Winter (Apr 2014)

I have opened up the trees in the background so that the bridge is unobstructed.

It has been commended by the SAA.

There are some reflections in this photo as this watercolour and gouache painting is already mounted.

It is 54 x 34cms: framed



Boy Jennie (May 2014)

This painting was inspired by a photo in the Press and Journal newspaper and is of a small fishing boat called Boy John. I changed the colour of the boat from blue to a faded red and added the stormy seascape.

This watercolour and gouache painting is 30cms wide by 48cms high. NFS



Sommocolonia War Memorial (Sept 2014)

This piece was produced one morning whilst on an 'Art Toscana' painting course. Firstly, I cut out a number of items from a local newspaper and pasted them onto an A4 card. The class were then driven up a very narrow, steep and twisting road to a small strategic village called Sommocolonia which was fiercely fought over by the Germans and Americans, being taken by first one then the other during the 2nd World War. I realised that there was a strong link here between the war and the articles. By superimposing the war memorial (pen and watercolour) onto the cut-outs of a bar-graph showing the production of TVs, an electricity pylon, a golfer holding both a pillar and golf bag and the Google advert, I have created a link between all the comforts that we enjoy today and the sacrifice of soldiers and locals.

It is 20 x 29 cms. NFS



Sula (Oct 2014)

This is an acrylic painting of a friend's dog. He sent me a photo and a plywood cut-out shape of the dog. I finished the painting with a varnish coating and glued the work onto a grey mounting on which I had painted, in watercolour, the rock Sula is standing on.

It is 20 x 28 cms. NFS



Happy Feet, Happy Christmas! (Oct 2014)

This watercolour is from a photo I took on the last night of an art course (Art Toscana) in Barga, Italy. The feet are Chris Bell's (our tutor) and his wife's, Krysia. I sent them the original for their Christmas card.

It is 18 x 10 cms. NFS



harris beach

Harris Beach (May 2015)

This watercolour is 24.5 x 24.5 cms unframed

This is a half scale copy of a Pam Carter painting, a print of which we have at home and which inspired me to take up painting: unframed



another copy of a pam carter painting

Another copy of a Pam Clark painting (May 2015)

This waterolour is also half scale 24.5 x 24.5 cms: unframed


Kildonnan House, Isle of Eigg (June 2015)

An excellent guesthouse on the Island of Eigg with An Sgurr, the dark 1500 foot rocky mountain in the background.

It has been commended by the SAA.

This watercolour and gouache painting is 44 x 34cms. SOLD



Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Course and Lighthouse (July 2015)

This watercolour was auctioned at Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club in aid of the junior section for £250 NFS



Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Course (August 2015)

This is an alternative style of watercolour and gouache painting NFS



The Kessock Bridge (Nov 2015)

This is a watercolour and gouache painting that I raffled for our local church (Knockbain C of S) funds.

It has been commended by the SAA.

It is 50 x 50cms. NFS



Plockton Bay (Feb 2016)

This watercolour and gouache painting is adapted from a photo taken by Neil Donald with his permission.

It has been commended by the SAA.

The painting is hanging at home.

It is 63 x 45cms: oak framed



The Torridon at Night (Mar 2016)

It has been commended by the SAA and is hanging in the Crofters Cafe, Rosemarkie.

This watercolour is 38 x 30cms: framed



The Torridon (July 2016) SOLD

This watercolour and gouache painting has been adapted from my own photo, the hotel's website and it's brochure and is 38 cms wide by 30 high: framed



Coatbridge Sunset (Oct 2016)

This watercolour and gouache painting has been developed from a photograph and is 35 cms wide and 25 cms high.

It has been commended by the SAA.

It is painted on an artists' canvas and so does not require a mount nor a frame. NFS



Four People Portrait (Oct 2016)

This portrait was painted in watercolour and gouache from a handful of photos and is 42 x 30 cms. The challenge here was to alter the lighting and tones to be constant.

It has been commended by the SAA.

It has been painted on a canvas like the previous one. NFS



In Pinn and Great Stone Chute (Nov 2016)

This watercolour and gouache painting is 51cms square. It has been developed from personal experience and photographs by both Roy Plenderleith and Gordon Stainforth with their permission. The Inaccessible Pinnacle is considered to be the hardest of the 'Munros' to climb. The picture has a dark grey double mount with a darker mottled frame to enhance the atmosphere...

It has been commended by the SAA.



Mabel and Molly (Mar 2017)

This watercolour of my son's mother and father-in-law's cats is 35 x 25 cms. The challenge here was to get the tonal colours correct as they would not sit together for a photo... NFS



kessock bridge sunset

Kessock Bridge Sunset (Aug 2017)

Watercolour 14.5 long x 10 cms: unframed



shieldaig crofthouse

Shieldaig Crofthouse (Aug 2017)

Watercolour 14.5 long x 10 cms: unframed




Kingfisher (Mar 2018)

This small watercolour is 12 long x 13 cms and unframed



red squirel

Red Squirel (Mar 2018)

This small watercolour is 13 long x 14 cms and unframed



the royal of the ben

The Royal of the Ben (Apr 2018)

This watercolour and gouache painting is 48 long x 34 cms and framed



the eyes have it

The Eyes Have It (April 2018)

This watercolour and gouache painting is 30 x 18 cms and framed



puffin talk

Puffin Talk (May 2018)

This is a larger than life watercolour and gouache painting (45 x 30cms)          SOLD




Jennie (Jan 2019)

This watercolour is 28 long x 37 cms high NFS



eriskay sands

Eriskay Sands (Feb 2019)

Watercolour 50.5 long x 34.5 cms: white mounting



avoch primary school backgroung for mural

Background for Mural (May 2019)

Weathershield gloss paint, acrylic and varnish: 16 feet x 4 feet

This is the largest painting I've been involved with! Two 12mm marine plywood boards side by side painted and in position ready for children's art work to be added. Taking up on an idea formulated by Richard Cherry and the Avoch Head Teacher, Lorna Sim the designs for the images were initially drawn by the Avoch Primary School class 6 children. Together with a local art teacher Rachel McBride, we have created an artwork that has both masked the Black Isle Men's Shed container and allowed the children the chance to show their painting skills. A number of our Black Isle Men's Shed members also helped me prepare the mural by cutting out the images from one sheet of 6mm marine plywood, sanding, painting, erecting the boards and varnishing the children's acrylic artwork. They include Bob Tilford, Michael Hutcheson, George Smith, Mike Halley, John Eastwood, Barbara Jones, Lindsay Scott-Paul, Sylvia Macdonald, Murdo MacLeod, John Ruickbie, Leslie Clunas and Sylvia Wilson. Ian Jack helped with trimming the edging to allow it to fit and protect the 12mm plywood sheeting. Garvie and Janet Amos and Edith Robertson helped with the final positioning of the designs. Thanks should also go to Derek Martin, Avoch Sea Scouts for permission, Caley Timber for the marine plywood and John Laidlaw from the Dulux Decorator Centre, Inverness for the gift of the external paint. Apologies please if I've missed anyone out.

This mural depicts the flora and fauna of the land and sea on and around the Black Isle. It can be viewed at the rear of the Avoch Primary School in a corner of the Avoch Sea Scout's carpark. It is an example of how the different age profiles of the people on the Black Isle can come together and produce a worthwhile project.

Watch this space - we'll soon have the children's paintings fixed in position!








mural and grandchildren

The mural was unveiled on Thursday 13th June at 2.30pm

It is located behind the Avoch Primary School on the Black Isle Men's Shed container in the north west corner of the Sea Scout car park.

My sincere thanks go to the many people who have helped to produce this mural, especially the Avoch Primary 6 children and their art teacher Rachel McBride (Bevan-Baker).



silver darling in fresh breee

Silver Darling in Fresh Breeze (June 2019)

This watercolour and gouache painting is 35 x 50cms high and is mounted on a white background.



gaada stac, foula

Gaada Stac, Foula (Aug 2019)

This watercolour with guache spray is 54 x 36cms high

It is based on a photograph in the Scots Magazine taken by Michael Nolan of the Alamy Agency.




Fortrose Pre-school Nursery Mural (Oct 2019)

This mural has been painted using exterior paints and acrylics: 8 feet x 4 feet

I painted this mural on behalf of the Black Isle Men's Shed and it was unveiled at 12.45 on 31st October 2019. It has been created on a full sheet of exterior grade plywood and finished with two coats of exterior varnish. It hangs on a wall of a shed that is in the grounds of the nursery.

The inspiration was from a small painting, hanging in our summerhouse, by my wife's father, George Ross who at one time was the headmaster of the old Cullicudden Primary School. A number of years ago, he painted this view from memory for our young children one of whom was 4 years old.

Also, I saw a photo of the Fortrose Lighthouse from a drone posted on facebook by Alan Rourke and, because it wasn't quite the right angle, he agreed to take another and capture both the lighthouse and Fort George; many thanks Alan!

Thanks too to John Laidlaw from the Dulux Decorator Centre, Inverness for helping with the external paint.

My wife Edith had an idea to have children’s hands radiating out from the sun… This I developed into hanging the hands on the lighthouse beams. I then asked Maru Fraser and the nursery teachers to trace round all the children’s hands, little realising that there were 44 of them - that’s 88 hands! Well, the teachers stencilled round some of their hands but, they turned out to be so large that I had to reduce their size to be able to hang just 24 pairs on the beams of light.

The hands on the lighthouse beams represent the Fortrose Pre-school children’s journey from Fortrose out into the wide, wide world.

I hope you like it.



kessock bridge at sunset


Kessock Bridge at Sunset (Nov 2019)

This watercolour and gouache painting is 50 x 34 cms high and is based on a photo taken by Pete Williams Jnr.



Weather Clock


Weather Clock (Jul 2020)

Both John Ruickbie and I made this small mural painting using exterior gloss paints with two coatings of varnish. It was delivered on behalf of the Black Isle Men's Shed to the Fortrose Pre-School Nursery. John Ruickbie assisted by scroll sawing the six 'weather' pictures, which I painted, the indicator and the ratchet system behind the all-weather plywood board.

It is approx 50 x 80 cm tall and hangs in the classroom for the children to indicate the weather each day.



48 Years Married

50 Years Married on 7th Jul 2022! (Dec 2020)

I have painted a number of portraits, some of which were technically quite tricky. This one, from a recent photograph, I found particularly difficult because it had to be really recognisable as my wife is a good critic! I mainly used watercolours with a little white gouache, and tried experimenting with Aqua Bronze Copper for my wife Edith's glasses and Aqua Bronze Silver highlights in our hair.

It is 52.5 x 36 cm high and is oak framed. NFS



Carol and Terry Pennys' Grandchildren on their Golden Wedding Anniversary (Dec 2021)

This watercolour and guache portrait painting is 53.5 cm long x 35.5 cm high NFS






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